Our mission: Training innovative and responsible managers.

The mission of Montpellier Business School is “to train, through our higher education programmes, managers that are strong in their diversity, aware of their global responsibility in carrying out their missions, and able to adapt to changes in local, national and international environments.” (By ‘global’, we understand societal, economic and environmental responsibility).

Název školy: Montpellier Business School

Nejnižší věk studenta: 18

Maximum studentů ve třídě: 0

Průměrně studentů ve třídě: 40

Měna: EUR

Aktuální kurz 1 EUR = 25.75 Kč

Zodpovědná osoba: Pavlina Vlckova, e-mail: brno@alfaagency.cz, telefon: +420 777 778 990

Proč si vybrat Montpellier Business School?

  • 120 years of history
  • Triple accreditation: AACSB, AMBA, EFMD-EPAS
  • 80+ participating faculty

National and international recognition

  • 46th Master in Management in the world in the Financial Times ranking (September 2016).
  • 14th in the SIGEM rankings of the “Concours Master,” the Grande École Master’s programme entrance exams in France, (+ 5 places between 2011 and 2016). The SIGEM (Système d’Intégration aux Grandes Écoles de Management) ranking evaluates the preferences of students from preparatory classes in France at the time of their placement.
  • 12th-ranked school of management in France for the Master’s Programme in the national competition established by Le Point, Le Parisien (a French weekly news magazine and French daily newspaper, respectively).
  • 1st place special Cooperative Education and Apprenticeship award for the Master’s Programme from le Parisien in May 2012.


  • + 150 foreign university partners across 37 countries
  • Around 300 students from partner universities each year
  • 68: the number of countries in which alumni live 
  • 25%: the percentage of international students on campus 


  • 14-month minimum company internship 
  • 50 professional specializations on the Montpelliérain site
  • Several thousand internship opportunities per year
  • 70% of students recruited before receiving their degree
  • Nearly 14,000 alumni members in the alumni association 
  • A Business Club grouping together committed Major Company Partners from more than 30 major national and international companies

Studijní programy MBS

  • Bachelor of International Business Administration
  • The Executive MBA (cross-functional management leadership programme)
  • Masters of Science:
    • Master of Science (MSc) in Marketing
    • Master of Science (MSc) in Finance
    • Master of Science (MSc) in International Business
    • Master of Science (MSc) in Global Business
    • Master of Science (MSc) in Digital Management→ Master of Science (MSc) in Lean Operations Management
Pavlina Vlckova

Pavlina Vlckova
specialista na tento program

+420 777 778 990