At Griffith, we believe in, strive for and celebrate the Remarkable
The remarkable people who better our world, the remarkable experiences that transform people and communities, and the remarkable contributions that change the future forever.
We know success often comes from being an exception to the norm-challenging convention, adapting and innovating, creating bold new trends and pioneering solutions ahead of their time. At Griffith, remarkable is the norm.
Since we started teaching over 40 years ago, we’ve been deeply connected to the Asian region, socially conscious and environmentally aware, an integral part of the community and heavily industry focused. We’ve also become a comprehensive, research-intensive university, ranking in the top 3% of universities worldwide.
Our teaching and research spans five campuses in South East Queensland and all disciplines, while our network of more than 200,000 graduates extends around the world.
Název školy: Griffith University
Nejnižší věk studenta: 18
Maximum studentů ve třídě: 0
Průměrně studentů ve třídě: 0
Měna: AUD
Aktuální kurz 1 AUD = 14,82 Kč
Zodpovědná osoba: Pavlina Vlckova, e-mail:, telefon: +420 777 778 990
Griffith University was created to be a different kind of university—challenging conventions, responding to trends and pioneering solutions. Its high quality degrees are specifically designed to prepare students for the future. Ranking in the top three percent of universities worldwide, Griffith hosts 50,000 students across five campuses in South East Queensland.
At Griffith, we are committed to helping international students make the most of their time in Australia by providing quality education, guidance and support. With more than 200 degrees and a reputation for research and teaching excellence, Griffith continues to be a leading university of choice. South East Queensland’s beautiful climate and iconic landmarks, along with our reputation and world-class rankings, are just some of the many reasons international students choose to come to Griffith.
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