Školy ILSC mají více než dvacetiletou tradici ve výuce angličtiny, která si pyšní nejedním oceněním za kvalitu a inovativní metody výuky. Můžete si vybrat mezi certifikovaným kurzem nebo kurzem diploma v oborech Business a Marketing, které patří mezi nejžádanější.Kampus ILSC patří s pěti budovami k největšímu ve Vancouveru. Všechny kampusy se nacházejí v atraktivních lokalitách a současně v docházkové vzdálenosti. Škola disponuje velmi moderním vybavením a profesionálním přístupem.

Název školy: ILSC

Národnostní složení: Asia 40 % (Korea, Japonsko, Taiwan), Jižní Amerika 30 % (Brazílie, Mexiko, Kolumbie), Evropa 20 % (Německo, Itálie, Švýcarsko, Španělsko, Turecko a východní Evropa), ČR-SR 1%.

Nejnižší věk studenta: 16

Maximum studentů ve třídě: 15

Průměrně studentů ve třídě: 15

Délka lekce: 60

Měna: CAD

Aktuální kurz 1 CAD = 16,35 Kč

About ILSC Language Schools 

ILSC Language Schools has been offering language training programs to International students from more than 100 countries since 1991,

and is the largest and longest running of ILSC Education Group’s 5 divisions, which also include Colleges, Teacher Training, Language Training for Business, and Continuing Education. 

Since opening its first school in Vancouver, BC, Canada in 1991, ILSC has become a world leader in language training, and has grown to include 7 incredible locations around the world, in Vancouver, Toronto and Montréal, Canada; New Delhi, India; and Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney, Australia.

In 2013 and 2014, ILSC was voted by industry partners as Study Travel Magazine’s Star Chain School, an important recognition of quality in the language education industry. 

We continue to work hard to maintain our high standards of academic excellence and service, in order to meet our mission:

To keep developing ILSC as one of the finest schools for language and career education where people have excellent and transformative learning and living experiences.


Základní výdaje: doprava (letenka), povinné zdravotní pojištění, poplatek za studenstká víza - cca 550 AUD.

Další možné výdaje: ubytování, doprava z letiště.

Nástupní termíny pro studium: na vyžádání

Nabídka kurzů a ubytování: na vyžádání, zajišťuje Greystone College

Poplatky školy: zápisné a školní materiály 

Co-op Education


Benefits of Co-op:

  • Add real world job experience to your resume
  • Earn money to support your living expense and tution costs
  • Get experience searching and applying for jobs, and practise your interview skills with real employers
  • Get work references and build contacts in the industry
  • Get support from our skilled and knowledgeable Co-op team who can help you refine your job finding process and achive success!

Business Co-op Programs:

  • Advanced Diploma in Business Administration with Practicum 
  • Diploma in Business Communications Co-op 
  • Diploma in International Business Management Co-op 


Hospitality Co-op Programs:

  • Certificate in Hospitality Skills Co-op 
  • Diploma in Customer Service Co-op 
  • Diploma in Hospitality Management Co-op 
  • Diploma in Hospitality Operations Co-op 
  • Diploma in Hospitality Sales and Marketing Co-op 
  • Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management Co-op 




Are you looking for a home away from home? Be welcomed into one of ILSC’s Homestay families, and experience a supportive living environment.

It’s an excellent opportunity to practice your English conversation skills and experience Canadian culture and family life. 

ILSC’s Vancouver Homestays:

  • Are located between 40-60 minutes travelling distance from the school
  • Provide you with a clean, comfortable, private room, equipped with a desk, bed, dresser, closet and good lighting
  • Are culturally diverse and reflect Vancouver’s multicultural population
  • Are safe, secure, inspected and approved by our Student Accommodation Department
  • Can provide healthy meals for students choosing Full-board or Half-board homestay options, or a kitchen for preparing your own meals for Roomstay students.

Choose from 3 Homestay options

Evening Snacks

Access to the kitchen

to prepare your own meals



Are you feeling adventurous? Do you want to experience Vancouver on your own, or with other students or travelers?

ILSC can connect you with a wide selection of accommodation options that meet a range of budgets and tastes, including:

  • Hostels
  • Hotels
  • Furnished apartments
  • And more!

Check out our accommodations partners in Vancouver: