Název školy: International University of Applied Sciences
Národnostní složení: 50% Němci 50% Mezinárodní studenti
Nejnižší věk studenta: 0
Maximum studentů ve třídě: 0
Průměrně studentů ve třídě: 0
Měna: EUR
Aktuální kurz 1 EUR = 25,71 Kč
Zodpovědná osoba: Jana Priebojová, e-mail: brno@alfaagency.cz, telefon: +420 777 778 990
We attach great importance to the qua-lity of our programmes. This is why we have not only introduced internal quality assurance procedures but have also gone through numerous external accre-ditation and certification processes.
The IUBH was awarded the FIBAA Premium Seal five times for its study programmes.
In 2009 we were awarded unconditio-nal accreditation by the German Science Council for ten years. This is the best result that can be obtained in this procedure.
According to the latest CHE ranking, the IUBH is the best private university of applied science in Germany in the field of business administration, with the best rankings on average per category.
The "Hotel Schools of Distinction" is a global alliance of renowned universities with spe-cialisations in the field of Hospitality Management. It currently has only ten member institutions. These include the IUBH as a founding member and as the only university in Germany.
In 2010, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) awarded us the TedQual Certificate. The IUBH was awarded this certificate as the first, and so far only, university in Germany.
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