The University of Queensland (UQ) je jednou z nejlepších univerzit v Austrálii. Patří do tzv. Group of Eight - což je uskupení osmi renomovaných australských univerzit, které se dlouhodobě zabývají výzkumem a inovacemi. Impozatní campus UQ naleznete ve městě Brisbane - jedná se v podstatě o město ve městě. Alfa Agency je dlouhodobým partnerm této univerzity.

Název školy: The University of Queensland

Národnostní složení: Australané 90% , mezinárodní studenti 10%

Nejnižší věk studenta: 18

Maximum studentů ve třídě: 0

Průměrně studentů ve třídě: 0

Měna: AUD

Aktuální kurz 1 AUD = 14,82 Kč

Zodpovědná osoba: Ales Barta, e-mail:, telefon: +420 777 778 990

8 June 2017

The University of Queensland has moved higher in the influential QS World University Rankings, coming in at 47th globally, placing it well inside the top one per cent of the world’s 26,000 universities.

UQ’s placing in the annual QS ranking announced today follows the University’s impressive performance in the prestigious Leiden ranking last month and a “massive result” in Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project funding announced last week.

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj said UQ had continued to excel this week, securing $22.6 million in ARC funding for 17 projects on Monday – with funding for more research projects than any other university nationally.

“UQ sits comfortably within the world’s top 50 universities across a number of measures,” Professor Høj said.

“This latest QS result is an extremely gratifying endorsement of our efforts to provide our students with a world-class education in a global top-tier research university.

“Every UQ staff member has contributed in some way to this result, and I congratulate them all for their efforts.

“It’s no small achievement to be placed within the world’s best 50 universities,” Professor Høj said.

The QS ranking considers more than 4000 universities and evaluates 980 of them in detail.

For the latest QS report – released today – the London-based Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd (QS) analysed 75 million citations encompassing more than 12 million papers, and 115,000 survey responses from employers and academics.

The QS institution report on UQ states that its performance against about 26,000 universities globally places it in the top one per cent of universities in the world, and at fourth in Australia.

UQ has featured strongly in the QS ranking over the past five years.


The University of Queensland has moved higher in the influential QS World University Rankings, coming in at 47th globally, placing us well inside the top one per cent of the world's 26,000 universities. We're proud of our achievement, but it didn't happen by chance. As a global top-tier research university, we are committed to providing our students with a world-class education.

Here are just some of the reasons why UQ stands out on the world stage:

  • Our research is changing the world. In 2017, UQ was awarded $22.6 million in research funding by the Australian Government. This acknowledges the University's consistently high-calibre contributions in all areas of knowledge creation. In the past fifteen years, UQ researchers and academics have found a vaccine for cervical cancer, pioneered rocket technology and made discoveries that may remedy food shortages for a growing global population (to name just a few).​ ​​​ ​ ​ ​
  • We look after our international students. Choosing to fly across the world-leaving your family, friends and familiar spaces to attend university in a different country-is not the easiest decision. We understand that, and we work really, really hard to make sure our students know they have made the right decision. We provide them with Englishassistance, help them find accommodationmake friends and cope with learning. We also have international student advisors for any questions or worries they might have. ​​​​ ​ ​ ​​​ ​​
  • ​​ We graduate incredible people. When our students graduate they join an alumni body that includes a Nobel Prize winner, Oscar winners, a Governor General, CEOs, politicians, news anchors, judges, teachers, researchers, celebrity chefs, award winning journalists, activists, scientists, authors, Google employees and film makers. A degree from a top fifty university can take you to amazing places. Our highly awarded careers service team work with students to help find them careers that enable them to make fulfilling change in their own lives and the lives of others.

International WaterCentre ve spolupráci s předními australskými univerzitami (včetně UQ) nabízí velmi lukrativní stipendium pro studium oboru Master of Integrated Water Management v hodnotě 52.500 AUD (platné pro evropské studenty). Pro více informací se obracejte na specialistu na Austrálii: Pavlína Vlčková, Tel: 511 110 662

IWC Masters Scholarships (International)

The IWC Masters Scholarships are a prestigious award granted annually to high calibre candidates who clearly demonstrate potential as future water leaders. Scholarships are available to study the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM) in Brisbane, Australia.

2018 Scholarships (International) - Applications are now open

Download 2017 IWC Scholarships Flyer (PDF)

Domestic candidates are citizens of Australia or New Zealand or Australian permanent residents.



The International WaterCentre (IWC) offers up to three scholarships for international candidates for full-time study of the MIWM program starting in Semester 1, 2018. These include:


Scholarships details


Type A Scholarships - Full tuition and full living costs scholarships


Each scholarship is valued at AU$92,645 and will cover:

  • Full tuition fees for full-time study of the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management program commencing in 2018 (up to AU$52,500 for 18 months of study)
  • Living expenses stipend (valued at AU$36,000 for 16 months) payable in equal monthly instalments
  • Return air travel to Australia (pre-approved, economy class airfare to and from Brisbane, via the most direct route up to a maximum of AU$2,500)
  • University student amenities Fee (valued at AU$145)
  • Cost of Student Visa for a single student (valued at AU$550) 
  • Cost of the Overseas Student Health Cover for a single student (valued at AU$950 for 18 months)

Important - please read the Terms and Conditions to see what is included and how the scholarship will be paid out.

Targeted to

International candidates who meet the minimum eligibility requirements (see below), hold citizenship and currently live in one of the priority countries in the Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. 

One of these scholarships will be reserved and awarded to a female candidate.



Type B Scholarship - Full tuition scholarship


This scholarship is valued at approximately AU$52,500 and will cover:

Targeted to

International candidates who meet the minimum eligibility requirements (see below), hold citizenship and currently live in North America, Europe or Asia.


Eligibility requirements

To apply for a scholarship, you must:

  • Have completed an undergraduate degree in a related field of study from an internationally-recognised institution;
  • Have at least two years of professional experience (paid work or volunteering experience) relevant to the program; 

Although professional experience is not essential for admission in the MIWM program, candidates with relevant professional experience have a higher chance of securing a scholarship – see Selection Criteria below.

  • International candidates must also demonstrate English Language Proficiency (see UQ’s Policy, including minimum scores for IELTS, TOEFL or PTE). A proof of English language proficiency needs to be uploaded with the online application form.


Important - Terms and Conditions

Before you apply for a scholarship, please read the IWC Masters Scholarships Terms and Conditions (PDF).


How to apply


 Apply now Master of Integrated Water Management


Important dates (for international candidates)

  • Opening date: 1 May 2017
  • Closing date: 1 August 2017 - 5:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
  • Shortlisted applicants will be notified (via email) on 23 August 2017 and the Scholarships Selection Panel will make a final decision on successful recipients by 1 November 2017.
  • The IWC Master of Integrated Water Management will commence in February 2018 in Brisbane, Australia


Selection criteria

The Scholarship Selection Panel will use the following selection criteria to assess and rank applications:

  1. Leadership qualities including collaboration and team work, flexibility, initiative, communication skills, integrity and vision through professional, educational, community and other achievements. 
  2. Professional and volunteering record: relevant employment and volunteering experience, achievements, membership of professional bodies and professional references.
  3. Academic record: an excellent academic record and a likelihood of success in further study.
  4. Commitment to promoting and driving the implementation of collaborative, whole-of-water-cycle, integrated and interdisciplinary approaches to water management.
  5. Potential outcomes: the likelihood of positive impacts on the individual and the water sector from participating in the MIWM program.


Selection process

Shortlisted applicants will be contacted (via email) on 23 August 2017. Applicants who have not been shortlisted will also be notified by this date.

At the end of August, shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit an application for admission into the MIWM program.

In mid-October the Scholarship Selection Panel will decide on successful scholarship recipients (from those who have been shortlisted and received an unconditional offer of admission in the MIWM program).

Successful recipients will be notified (via email) on 1 November 2017. The value of their scholarship will be outlined in their scholarship offer letter from the IWC.

More details about the scholarships selection process can be found in the Scholarships Terms and Conditions (PDF).


Partial scholarships

Unsuccessful scholarships applicants who are accepted in the program as full-fee paying students will have access to IWC partial scholarships up to the value of AU$9,500. Further details will be published on this page in November 2017.


Questions regarding scholarships or program content

  • Phone: +61 7 3028 7600


Watch our webinar (by Dr Brian McIntosh)

Dr Brian McIntosh, IWC Senior Lecturer and Education Director will present the MIWM program/scholarships and answer your questions on Tuesday 27 June 2017. Register today


IWC Masters Scholarships - previous recipients


Full tuition and full living costs scholarships ('Type A')

Denise Cheah
Jackline Mukami
Vanh Mixap
Elisabeth Tarigan
Reba Paul
Antonella Vagliente_small
Adnan Hakeem_small
Carmela Holder_small
Reg Winlove_small


Full tuition fees scholarships ('Type B')

Ben Cartwright
Belen Andrade
Karen Delfau
Robert Apunyo
Declan Hearne
Lina Master of Integrated Water Management student
Diane Cousineau
Maria Brusher
Kimberly Worsham
Beata Sochacka_small
Maria Brusher
(United States)
Kimberly Worsham 
(United States)
Beata Sochacka 


Other scholarships available for international students

Jiné školy ve stejné destinaci

Poslední navštívené školy

Ales Barta

Ales Barta
specialista na tento program

+420 777 778 990