Welcome to Australia’s global university. Torrens University Australia brings a fresh, modern, careers-focused and global perspective to higher education. Here’s what that means for you.

A game-changing university, Torrens is aimed at providing graduates with a globally oriented skill-set that will make them a valuable commodity to any employer. It is deeply focused on providing an avenue towards rewarding employment that will fit with the lifestyles of our students.

Název školy: Torrens University

Národnostní složení: Austrálie 60%, mezinárodní studenti 40%

Nejnižší věk studenta: 18

Maximum studentů ve třídě: 30

Průměrně studentů ve třídě: 15

Délka lekce: N/A

GE levels: N/A

Měna: AUD

Aktuální kurz 1 AUD = 14,82 Kč

Zodpovědná osoba: Ales Barta, e-mail: ales.barta@alfa-agency.cz, telefon: +420 777 778 990

Welcome to Australia’s global university. Torrens University Australia brings a fresh, modern, careers-focused and global perspective to higher education. Here’s what that means for you.

A game-changing university, Torrens is aimed at providing graduates with a globally oriented skill-set that will make them a valuable commodity to any employer. It is deeply focused on providing an avenue towards rewarding employment that will fit with the lifestyles of our students.

Torrens offers vocational, undergraduate and postgraduate courses across Business, Design, Health, Hospitality, Project Management, Education, Sports Management, Higher Degrees by Research, and English. These courses are delivered through Torrens’ incredible family of schools and a prestigious array of collaborations; leading institutions that all boast strong links to industry in Australia and overseas.

With an efficient trimester system allowing courses to be completed quicker than public university offerings, Torrens campuses span across Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane. Wherever possible, Torrens also offers its courses online to provide convenient access to students.

Torrens’ place in Laureate International Universities also ensures that students graduate with more than a degree; they graduate from the largest education network in the world, ready for whatever challenge the world throws their way.

Název kurzu Lekcí/t. Délka Cena Nástupní termíny
Diploma of Design 201 rok25001 AUD/rok3x ročně

zápisné: 300 AUD

věk studenta: min. 18 studentů ve skupině: 15 (maximálně 30)
Bachelor of Creative Technologies (Game Art) 20 l/t3 rok24567 AUD/rok3x ročně

zápisné: 300 AUD

věk studenta: min. 18 studentů ve skupině: 15 (maximálně 30)
Bachelor of Commerce 20 l/t3 rok62000 AUD/rok3x ročně

zápisné: 300 AUD

věk studenta: min. 18 studentů ve skupině: 15 (maximálně 30)
Bachelor of Commerce - Accounting 20 l/t1 rok62000 AUD/rok3x ročně

zápisné: 300 AUD

věk studenta: min. 18 studentů ve skupině: 15 (maximálně 30)
Bachelor of Commerce - Finance 20 l/t1 rok62000 AUD/rok3x ročně

zápisné: 300 AUD

věk studenta: min. 18 studentů ve skupině: 15 (maximálně 30)
Diploma of Business (Event Management) 201 rok20267 AUD/rok3x ročně

zápisné: 300 AUD

věk studenta: min. 18 studentů ve skupině: 15 (maximálně 30)
Diplom a of Business (Public Relations) 20 l/t1 rok20267 AUD/rok3x ročně

zápisné: 300 AUD

věk studenta: min. 18 studentů ve skupině: 15 (maximálně 30)
Associate Degree of Business (Event Management) 20 l/t1 rok40534 AUD/rok3x ročně

zápisné: 300 AUD

věk studenta: min. 18 studentů ve skupině: 15 (maximálně 30)
Associate Degree of Business (Marketing) 20 l/t1 rok40534 AUD/rok3x ročně

zápisné: 300 AUD

věk studenta: min. 18 studentů ve skupině: 15 (maximálně 30)

Školní rok je na Torrens University rozdělen do 3 trimestrů. Trimestr trvá 12 týdnů.

Studenti mohou nastoupit do kteréhokoliv trimestru.

Trimestr 1:  20.2. – 14.5.  |  Trimestr 2: 5.6. – 27.8.  |  Trimestr 3: 18.9. – 10.12.

Název ubytováníCenaPoznámka
Houseshare single (bez stravy)210 AUD/týdenmin. věk 18
Houseshare shared (bez stravy)180 AUD/týdenmin. věk 18
Homestay single (polopenze)295 AUD/týdenmin. věk 18
Homestay shared (polopenze)260 AUD/týdenmin. věk 18
Poplatek za nalezení ubytování280 AUD/umístěníjednorázový poplatek

Aktuální nabídka stipendií

We are now quickly approaching T2 intake commencement on 5th June 2017. We are still accepting last minute enrolments and I would like to advise you that I could offer the following scholarships to Russian, European and Latin American students who would commence their course in T2 2017.


AVAILABLE SCHOLARSHIPS (automatic) for T2 2017 (start 5th June 2017)

15% for all Undergraduate Business courses  (Diplomas, Associate Degrees, Bachelors)

20% for all Postgraduate Business Courses (Graduate Diplomas, Masters, Dual Masters)

15% for all Undergraduate Design courses  (Diplomas, Associate Degrees, Bachelors)

15% for all Postgraduate Design courses (Graduate Certificate Masters)


Please be advised that the intake starts on 5th June 2017 and that we are able to take late arrivals up until no later than 16th June 2017.

Kanál Torrens zde

Video ke škole

Video Sydney Campus

Další Videa

Degrees that Work - Health

766 094 zhlédnutí  před 2 měsíci

Degrees that Work - Hospitality

212 563 zhlédnutí   před 2 měsíci

Degrees that Work - Education

202 870 zhlédnutí  před 2 měsíci

Degrees that Work - Design (Billy Blue)

332 784 zhlédnutí   před 2 měsíci

Degrees that Work - Design (MDS)

316 091 zhlédnutí  před 2 měsíci

Welcome to Australia’s global university. Torrens University Australia brings a fresh, modern, careers-focused and global perspective to higher education. Here’s what that means for you.

A game-changing university, Torrens is aimed at providing graduates with a globally oriented skill-set that will make them a valuable commodity to any employer. It is deeply focused on providing an avenue towards rewarding employment that will fit with the lifestyles of our students.

Torrens offers vocational, undergraduate and postgraduate courses across Business, Design, Health, Hospitality, Project Management, Education, Sports Management, Higher Degrees by Research, and English. These courses are delivered through Torrens’ incredible family of schools and a prestigious array of collaborations; leading institutions that all boast strong links to industry in Australia and overseas.

With an efficient trimester system allowing courses to be completed quicker than public university offerings, Torrens campuses span across Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane. Wherever possible, Torrens also offers its courses online to provide convenient access to students.

Torrens’ place in Laureate International Universities also ensures that students graduate with more than a degree; they graduate from the largest education network in the world, ready for whatever challenge the world throws their way.


Business Leadership Management

Jiné školy ve stejné destinaci

Poslední navštívené školy

Ales Barta

Ales Barta
specialista na tento program

+420 777 778 990